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Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

That indeed is one of the most important questions you can ask if you are the owner of a website.

What exactly IS mobile friendly? It’s mainly referring to the user experience (meaning the person who is doing the search). Google’s goal is to connect the user to the most relevant, high quality search results that are optimized for user experience. Last year when Google made this announcement, they posted information on how to make your website mobile friendly.

For most people this information is like trying to read a foreign language and that’s totally understandable. Also, many don’t understand there are different searches. One search is from a desktop computer and an entirely different search is from a mobile device, both are searching the internet, however they can display totally different results, based on the device searched on and other factors. Another statistic, that is growing, is 66% of ALL searches are preformed from a mobile device. In reality, that number is totally believable, most of us carry our mobile phones everywhere. We are living a digital life and plugged in all of the time, just look around.

mobile friendly and page speed tests

Why a year later and websites are still not mobile friendly?

There could be many reasons:

  • The owner was not aware of the announcement last year,
  • The owner didn’t know what to do or who to get to do it,
  • Mistaking responsive for mobile friendly (yes there’s a difference)
  • It was simply IGNORED.

You would think, if the LARGEST search engine made that sort of announcement, people would listen. My colleagues and I have seen and tracked statistics for the last 6 months and we have seen major changes in rankings. This information is being shared with you NOW, before your website gets a major hit. If it’s not mobile friendly now, trust us when we say it’s time to fix that issue.

Take the test yourself. Googles Mobile Friendly Test or the newest platform here.

Here’s the new announcement directly from Google, where they will be doubling down on this initiative.

And in this one, Google talks about: WHY make your site mobile friendly.

If you really want to go in depth, get our SEO report absolutely free.

This is all the information you should need to make a decision. It’s time to make your SITE mobile friendly. Do this ASAP.

Contact Us TODAY, do not delay, if you do, your competition may will be getting your clients.

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